
Social Adverts

Want to sell something or share a service?
We can do this for you using Facebook and Instagram advertisements.

Traffic campaign

Facebook Traffic Ads offer a powerful means to channel users towards a designated destination, such as your website.

The advantages of leveraging Facebook Traffic Ads are manifold. Firstly, they bolster website traffic, ushering in a surge of visitors and potential clientele.

Targeting capabilities on Facebook are extensive, enabling pinpoint precision in reaching audiences based on demographics, interests, and behaviors, among other parameters. This ensures that ads resonate with individuals most inclined towards your content or offerings, fostering cost-effective campaigns customisable to your budgetary preferences.

Strategically employing Facebook Traffic Ads can be instrumental in accomplishing diverse business objectives, whether it's bolstering sales, heightening brand visibility, or cultivating leads.

Continuous monitoring and optimisation are paramount in ensuring optimal outcomes, underscoring the importance of refining campaigns to align with evolving goals and market dynamics.

Lead Generation

Lead Ads offer native functionality, allowing users to seamlessly submit their information through auto-filled forms without leaving the platform, thereby preserving the user experience within Meta's ecosystem.

This mobile-responsive feature ensures accessibility across devices, guaranteeing smooth form completion for potential leads.

Moreover, Lead Ads simplify data collection for advertisers by eliminating the need for additional landing pages or conversion paths, consolidating all necessary information within the platform and facilitating seamless integration with CRM systems.

Additionally, Lead Ads enable highly targeted segmentation based on interests, demographics, and other factors, ensuring that acquired leads are already somewhat pre -qualified.

Your options

Lead Generation $600 per campaign + your budget

- Includes content and images, Leads will auto fill on a Google Sheet

Traffic advert $350 per campaign + your budget
- Includes content and images

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